I like this advice, for I really think it is true:
“If you can afford to be unknown, then be so. What harm shall ever come to you from being unknown? Why should you care if you are not praised? And why should you care if you are criticised by people while being praised by God, the exalted?”
Don’t seek to be popular, or have great followings, because ultimately those desires have a corrupting effect, taking you away from the pursuit of truth and sincerity.
The past year we have witnessed a rising tide of YouTube celebrities playing each other for clicks, views and monetization, amongst them both ideological demagogues and religious proselytizers.
Are any of them sincere? Only God knows, but all I see is a circus. People riding on each other’s coat tails in pursuit of advertising revenue and fame.
Steer clear of all of these, no matter how influential or widely celebrated they seem to be. Look beyond this shallow pursuit of vast audiences. Instead, seek out the One. Seek out those who lead you to the One.
They can be found, by God’s grace. When you ask sincerely, God will lighten your way. Sometimes you will be surprised. Sometimes it will hit you out of the blue when you’re least expecting it.
Follow your heart. Listen to the goodness it contains. I pray you will find those who lead you to the light of faith. Seek of the One sincerely: for certain, He will definitetly guide you.
Last modified: 25 December 2022