Another afternoon with old friends, down at the allotments we once shared together.

They’ve come a long way since the day we first set foot in our plot in 2002, arriving with just a screwdriver and hammer — our only tools then. Theirs is now a wonderfully productive plot, just two along from our old one.

I provided the ayran and simit, supplemented by the Algerian dates gifted by my friend this morning. Our friends brought the green tea, Arabic coffee, shortbread biscuits and Polish sweets.

Green tea for me, just like the olden days. Tasty, with mint from their allotment and the obligatory crushed cardamon.

Here, the sweet cherry tree I planted twenty years ago. Let it be a charity to those who’ve taken over the plot after us. Nice ornaments.

It’s a beautiful spot, an oasis amidst the city. We had good times down here two decades ago. Seems we still do.

Wonderful to be able to return with ease, to enjoy it all these years later. Who would have thought back then that two decades would zip past just like that.

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