As time progresses, perhaps we forget the tests we had, and then we become complacent.
Certainly, in the day-to-day of raising kids, the years passing us by thick and fast, we forget the immense quantity of tears we once shed when we thought having a family of our own was impossible.
Back then, I could never imagine that one day I would be the angry man, raising his voice at those little souls. Who I was then would have said to who I am now: “How selfish you are!”
And who I was then would have been justified in that declaration, carrying so much pain and loss within. But here we are: life and experience changes us, our ideals daily put to the test.
Sometimes it is good to remember the road we have travelled before this, to look back and recall moments long gone. From where to where, and what blessings. Shukr and alhamdulilah!
Last modified: 17 October 2022