A joyful Saturday morning. Second jammat mostly in English. Hurray! A good contingent of Englishis in attendance. Hurray again! A mixed crowd too. And friendly faces, exchanging salams. A good vibe.

Our own Eid is a bit spontaneous. We were planning for a visit from my parents, but they had to cancel late due to illness. So we just grabbed friends at the masjid and brought them with us. Kids are happy.

It wouldn’t be Eid without a full Turkish breakfast. I know my dad was looking forward to that. Turkish hospitality won his heart all those years back.

It won’t last long though. They all have such big appetites. Let them have their fun. Football and laughter in the sun.

Eid Mubarak all. Have fun. May the One bless you with peace and happiness.
Last modified: 9 July 2022