Unfortunately religion is often the opium of the masses, and we have a lot of dealers selling highs.
The public bickering of our self-proclaimed scholars is embarrassing to witness. Their self-assured conceit; their arrogance in defending their position — whether they are right or wrong — reveals only that they have spent far too long buried in books, and no time at all honing social skills that would allow them to interact with …
And we take as guides men who use populist causes as cover for their own indiscretions.
A reader draws my attention to a video in which the Australian activist, Harry Richardson, challenges a Muslim community leader to adopt his Declaration of Peaceful Intent, which is to state that he renounces the Quran’s violent commands as not applicable to today:
Politicians are very clever with imagery. Place the Leader in front of shelves stocked with volumes of books, and the implication is clear: he is a scholar, a man of God, trustworthy and pure. These things stick out to me like a sore thumb. Just like the synthetic echoes on the sound system in the …