It has suddenly dawned on onlookers that the conflict in Syria is heavily linked to the control of its oil fields. This may indeed be one of the factors in the conflict. Unfortunately, this is true of most conflicts. Wherever we find valuable natural resources that others seek to control — be it oil, coltan or …
Years of training on social media mean that I am just as likely to disbelieve Muslim propaganda as anything put out by the so-called mainstream media. Sad but true.
When news is presented to me, I probe deeply. I scratch the surface, investigate. I try to look for the sources. To verify, as far as possible, that what is claimed was said or done was actually said or done. I dig deep, and read what others pass over. And I have read shocking and …
Be quiet, they say. Why? Because I’ve been asking questions that nobody wants to hear. Yes, just shut up.
I remember, shortly after I became Muslim, a group of activists who I think were associated with a group then called “Al Muhajirun” sent a mass email to various clergymen, telling them to embrace Islam or face the consequences. Amongst the recipients was my father who at the time was a Canon in the Church …
The following post is currently being circulated on social media: A reminder to all, residents in the UK are now automatically on the organ donation register. If you don’t Opt Out your organs and tissue are now the property of the UK government after death. You can easily opt out for yourself and family members …
It’s a shame that the same technologies which enable us to transcend boundaries of nation and language are being used by so many to sow hatred and fear of the other.
If our people do not listen to women when they approach them in distress, is it any wonder that they eventually approach the other side instead?
The other way to think about “imagine it was you” is to imagine it was your daughter.
“We have made great leaps forward in believing victims when they make a complaint. However in this case the alleged victims are definitely lying.”
Note to “learned brothers” — when a woman approaches you seeking knowledge, assume that she is seeking knowledge and not a relationship. Note to “sisters seeking knowledge” — don’t approach a man if you can possibly avoid it. They don’t understand the difference between seeking knowledge and seeking a relationship.
Who does Islamic law apply to? Yes, to Muslims. So why do so many Muslims have such a hard time believing that Muslims could be capable of crimes which Islam proscribes? If every crime can merely be ascribed to a wicked conspiracy of the eternal other, why did our Lord institute sanctions for those crimes, …
My question to the purveyors of all-encompassing conspiracies: would your Lord really give you such an easy way to abrogate all personal responsibility? Isn’t it interesting that those who speak of conspiracies the most are themselves engaged in awful conspiracies of their own?
So here is a scholar whose teachings I agree with and incline towards, but from whom I have turned away due to his conceited, combative approach to engaging with his opponents. If he has this effect on his supporters, I shudder to think of his effect on his foes.
“Halal. Is it meat you’re looking for?” — Bill Bailey