In a way, I am glad that many of our activists have decided to take a dishonest and one-sided approach to covering certain controversial and politicised cases, because it has helped reveal who those that cover are. So clear has it become that I know not to take their claims seriously anymore, and can happily …
Still, when reminded, those who claim to be the foremost representatives of the faithful retort: “Don’t bring the Qur’an into this!”
Say, “My Lord has ordered justice and that you maintain yourselves at every place of prostration, and invoke Him, sincere to Him in religion.” Just as He originated you, you will return to life — A group He guided, and a group deserved error. Indeed, they had taken the devils as allies instead of God …
We must stop talking about men as if their greatness comes from themselves, as if they are unique in the annals of history. We worship men for articulating ideas commonly held, who delve into tradition and present the old as new. Where is mashallah and subhanallah as we fall about in awe, praising men for their …
Meanwhile, our activists forgot to advocate for Israa al-Ghomgham, who also spoke the truth to power, and stood up for the disenfranchised and oppressed, held in pre-trial detention for three years, and now facing execution for her peaceful activism. Where are the 200,000 signatures for her?
The people before you were destroyed because they used to inflict the legal punishments on the poor and forgive the rich. Thus have we been warned, but we remain heedless.
Why do so many of our friends and advocates transmogrify into our worst enemies and most outspoken critics? Is it really such a mystery, or is it just common sense? We say it is their hypocrisy; they say it is ours. Somewhere in between, we find the truth. We reap what we sow.
“We are in a moment where ‘social justice’ activism is a measure of religious devotion. The rewards for speaking activist language and associating with the disenfranchised are high, so you’ll have opportunists marketing their sacrifices, taking pictures with expressions of indignation, and typing online statuses of rage. Capturing the popular sentiments of the moment and …
Continually I am told, by fellow believers, “Do not bring what the Qur’an says into this!” In their defence of our Muslim brother, religion is not to be brought into it, except with warm fuzzy sentiments about solidarity. It is a concerted attack on Islam, they say, whilst simultaneously distancing themselves from it teaches. Such …
It used to be that if a traditionalist wished to insult you, they would call you a Wahabi. Nowadays, you are more likely to be labelled a Quranist, a bizarre slight, as peculiar as the non-Muslim’s Islamist. While I am certain that there are sects and groups that refer to themselves as Quranists, Quraniyya, Quranites …
Ya Allah, guide me back to the straight path. The path of those you have blessed, not those who incur your anger, or those who are astray. With these words I start my day. A desperate, anguished prayer, recognising how far I have fallen. Never take your faith for granted. The act of uttering your …
Their messengers said, “Can there be doubt about God, Creator of the heavens and earth? He invites you that He may forgive you of your sins, and He delays your death for a specified term.” — from Qur’an 14:10
Dear crusader against the times, We hear you loud and clear: feminism is the great scourge of our times, apparently set to undermine our faith — along with modernism, scientism, liberalism and materialism. Thus must you argue at length in every post about the dangers they pose to orthodoxy, irregardless of your simplistic reductions.
When I look back on my life, I see that I have spent most of it in sin. But for the mercy of my Lord, my balance stands against me. However will I turn things around, I often ask myself, so late in the day with so many evil deeds weighing down so heavily on …
With it’s Google Doodle today, Google is celebrating the life of Ibn Sina. We should too.