

If only all those bright but naive young students persuaded by pious propaganda to sacrifice their lives for an unholy cause could have been persuaded instead to complete their medical degrees and to dedicate their lives to the service of others.

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In isolation

For years I have lamented and bemoaned being cut off by language from the life of the mosque. But now, as I learn of the sectarian polemics, tribalism and grotesque conflict which bubbles away under the surface, I am grateful to have been so cut off. What great mercies, despite appearances at the time!

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Saved sects

Isn’t it strange that Muslims celebrate so much when a person embraces Islam? Because there seems to be nothing Muslims delight in more than declaring their fellow believers heretics, apostates or adherents of a sect destined for the hellfire, on the basis of assumed beliefs, imagined alliances and a large dose of group think.

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I have a friend afflicted with a particularly virulent strain of Convertitus. Anyone know the best treatment for this insidious condition? I’m minded to just put him in quarantine until it goes away, but his strain of Convertitus is unfortunately manifesting itself in extremely unpleasant ways, with terrible effects on all who come into contact …

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I fear that in the not too distant future we will miss our consumerist utopia, lamenting the loss of our febrile freedom to live as we please. Demagogues, despots and the pious disciples of tradition all seem united in the belief that a great war of epic proportions will somehow be the harbinger of our …

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Assalamunalaukizum! Are you a gullible beardo looking to replayz your Toyota Corolla wid a Bentley? You are? Then sign up for our Islamic Pyramid Scheme today. Worried Multi-Layered Network Marketting is a scam and haram? Get wid the game boy, LOL! Who seds it was haram man? You aints nothing but a howndog. This is …

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New consensus

What we so-called leftie pc liberals recognised in the heady years after the fall of communism and apartheid was that all of humanity has the right to dignity and self-determination; that it is not nice to invade other people’s lands and then characterise the people as terrorists when they rise up against you.

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ad-blocker disabled

Dear Publisher, I have just responded to your plea to turn off the ad-blocker when visiting your website, by disabling it. But I wanted to follow up with the reason I’m using an ad-blocker, in the hope that we can meet in the middle.

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How do we stop extremists grooming defenceless people with learning disabilities? I’m referring of course to Donald Trump and, before him, George W Bush Jr. Two vulnerable adults exploited by dangerous extremists with nefarious goals, led down the dangerous pathway of intolerance, hatred and zealotry. It’s a tragedy.

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On rejection

If you went out to buy a car and a salesman tried to convince you that the car you were buying was a Tesla Model S, when it was in fact a Ford Mondeo, we’d commend your discernment if you rejected his proposition.

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