Who sits this side of the computer terminal, tapping out words that shoot out across the web? Nobody knows.

Nobody knows if the author is a believer or a doubter, the pious or a sinner, the learned or the ignorant, a guide, the guided, the misguided or a misguider. Nobody knows if the author is who she says she is, if she is a ghost-writer, a fantasist or an imposter. Nobody knows if what he says is honest and true, or if with his typing fingers he proclaims one thing, whilst his heart witnesses to another.

Of course only God and ourselves know what our hearts contain, but in this world of decapitated voices we are more easily led astray. A thousand admirers praised an author for their vast faith, sincerity and piety, whilst the applauded one’s faith withered away, witnessed only by God, close companions and their computer’s pale night-time glow. But how, but why, but please, oh no!

Such pain for one nobody ever even knew, except through their own words, selected and refined for public consumption. Who sits before the whirring box, its disk drives chattering, its fan blowing hard, its display imprinting the retinas with those small white squares that return whenever he looks back at his beloved? Nobody knows, except He who knows what our hearts contain.

May our Lord grant us virtuous non-virtual companions who guide by their actions and character, not merely by the words of their tongues or typing fingers, who emit that great light of faith that alone can carry us home.

One Reply to “Virtuous Reality”

  1. Marc Manley says:

    as-Salaamu ‘alaykum

    Excellent post [I hope this is not adding more stones to the weight of this post by praising your writing!]. It resonates with me as one who has gone from anonymity, to the classroom, to the minbar, and now … where?

    We [Muslims and non-Muslims] are in dire need of real people; real folks, with whom we can build and benefit from tangible lived-in relationships. It has always been one of the dark sides of this “blogging thing”. I look forward to meeting you in the flesh, God willing.

    Wishing this finds you and the family in good health and iman.

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