These days I am repeatedly having a particular conversation with my nafs. It always goes something like this:
Realisation: It’s time to put everything aside, to focus on my deen and on increasing my knowledge.
Nafs: But what about your novel? Are you really going to abandon it now after all that work you already put in?
Realisation: It will have to wait. My deen is more important.
Nafs: But it’s important that this story was told.
Realisation: I’m still young. Why hurry?
Nafs: You know death could come at any time. You should write before it’s too late.
Realisation: Yes, death could come at any time. And what have I prepared for it? I have to prioritise.
Nafs: So all that work goes down the drain?
Realisation: If death comes tomorrow, the novel will not help me. If longer years are decreed, I will return to it in the extra time.
Nafs: Don’t you want to achieve anything in life?
Realisation: Whatever I achieve will be worthless if I fail on my basic duties…
Last modified: 20 June 2006